Methods for Measuring the Level of Organizational Learning


  • Lidija Naumovska
  • Biljana Percinkova


A large number of companies nowadays believe that the key to acquiring and maintaining a competitive advantage is the intellectual capital; therefore they dedicate funds for various training programs of the employees. Learning covers a much wider scope of the training and refers to all our daily efforts to understand, adjust to and respond to the world around us. There are many levels of learning, but the organizational learning represents a highest level of learning and exchange of knowledge and experience. Organizational learning is linked with a couple of disciplines, the most important being the systematic learning. The things which should be embedded deep into our memory during the process of organizational learning are the words: mutual communication, flow of intelligence, synergy, connection, long-term detachment, cooperation, shared vision – on all fields, on every level of the organization.The idea of this study is to give a theoretical framework to the organizational learning, to find the way of determining the organizational learning and to define the points of necessary intervention.

Keywords: training, organizational learning, systematic thinking, a learning company, company strategy.




How to Cite

Naumovska, L., & Percinkova, B. (2016). Methods for Measuring the Level of Organizational Learning. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 3(4), 38–46. Retrieved from



Volume 3, No.4, April, 2014