On the Effectiveness of Web-based Instruction on Iranian EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Knowledge
Lexical competence is undoubtedly at the heart of language learning. As far as Technology has been vastly used for educational purposes in modern countries, the present study focuses on using Web-based instruction on learning vocabulary. To this end, 300 freshmen students were selected randomly from whole students' population who registered for their first semester of study at Rodaki University of Tonekabon, Iran. The randomly selected students were given Oxford placement Test in order to achieve homogeneity in terms of their level of language proficiency. One hundred students gained the necessary requirements for the entrance into the experiment. They were randomly assigned to two groups, namely an experimental group (50 students) and a control group (50 students). Two groups were pre-tested by teachers' made vocabulary knowledge test. The experimental group received instruction through Web-based activities. However the control group was taught by skill based (traditional) approaches to vocabulary. The results of research indicated that the group whom instructed the vocabulary by Web-based instruction performed better on post-test than those who learned by traditional way. The findings showed that the differences between experimental and control group were significant at the level of .05.
Keywords: Web-based instruction, skill based instruction, lexical competence, distance education, Technological options.
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