Pollution of Llukac River from Sweage and Atmospheric Water and its Floss into the Ereniku River
The town of Gjakova is situated between the river Ereniku, Krena, and Llukac which is situated in the west region of Kosovo, meters in the central part of Dukagjini valley in an attitude of meters above the sea level. The pollution of the rivers by sewage and atmospheric waters as in the case in the Llukac and without proper maintenance brings to the thoughts about the future of the river because the quality is very valuable and we have it in limited qualities. The evaluation of the quality traditionally was based on the measurement of the concentration of organic and inorganic ingredients. The study of the project was done during 2011 and it was monitored its condition during 12 months. The outcome of the results conducted at physical-chemical labs as well as bacteriologic lab gives a general evaluation of the quality of the water at Llukac river which flows into Ereniku river. Based on analyses results, pollution shows that the pollution of Llukac river as results of urban sewage and quantity of flowing pollutants.
Keywords: atmospheric, water, analyzes, quality, Llukac.
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