Mood Disorder and Social Adjustment Among Senior Secondary School Students in Calabar Metropolis of Cross River State, Nigeria
The study examined mood disorder and social adjustment among senior secondary school students in Calabar Metropolis of Cross River State - Nigeria. The ex-post facto design was used. The population comprised senior secondary school students in both Calabar Municipal and Calabar South Local Government Areas respectively. The stratified random sampling technique was used. A total of seven hundred (700) subjects (364 males and 336 females) were selected from six (6) public secondary schools for the study. Data was obtained through a well-structured and validated questionnaire captioned Mood Disorder and Social Adjustment Scale (MDSAQ). Data collected were analyzed using population t-test and Linear Regression Analysis tested at .05 level of significance. The result of the analysis showed that mood disorder among secondary school students in Calabar Metropolis is significantly high and the mood disorder also predicted their social adjustment. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that parents should create more positive mutual social atmosphere in the home to prevent mood disorder and enhance proper social adjustment of their ward.
Keywords: Mood disorder, Social adjustment, etc.
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