Policy of the Language and Language of the Politics


  • Nizamiddin Makhmudov Mamadalievich Director of Institute of Uzbek language, Literature and Folklore of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. City Tashkent


In this article are discussed about the scientific assessments of the author by the policy of the language in Uzbekistan during the period of independence. According to the estimation of the experts that today there are about seven thousand languages in the world. Each of these languages is existence of particular nation or tribe, unbending throne of their eternal happiness which consists of their unity and integrity, a sketch of disciple of completely different thought and interpretation, a consistent perception of non-borrowing style. The nation or the people will live in this unimaginable world at the time from the diaper at the beginning of their life, to the white skull at the end of their life. The first-end luminary of untroubled and honorary way to acknowledge the person, the universe, and the God, is the language. The sense of identity of themselves in the world and the sense of protecting the dignity and liberty of their people, are stable due to the language. The truth which the mother tongue is the base of the human mental and spiritual-psychic world, is admitted by all of whom are at the forefront. In short, today there are so many different mental and spiritual bases in the human mindset. Naturally, in multinational countries, especially, there is a serious need for national politics, in particular its indirect component- the language policies. Obviously, it is difficult to solve the national issue at all levels without the normal language policy. That's why; every country has its own language policy irrespective of its huge and small. Language policy is a system of political, legal and administrative regulation of language issues in the country and the society, the complex of ideological principles and formal and practical measures by solving   language problems, mechanisms of planned impact on the linguistic situation in the country.

Keywords: language, language policy, state language, public-political lexicon,socio-political lexicon, meaning.   


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How to Cite

Mamadalievich, N. M. (2018). Policy of the Language and Language of the Politics. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 7(3), 81–87. Retrieved from https://anglisticum.org.mk/index.php/IJLLIS/article/view/1660



Volume 7, No.3, March, 2018