Realist Philosophy of Education as a Repetition of Existentialist Theory of Education
The issue bedeviling the various era of philosophy of education made it germane for different philosopher of the respective age to critically address those basic educational issue as there are peculiar to them. The work, sequel to the progressivist tennet juxtaposes existentialist philosophy of education side by side the realist philosophy of education, and argues in support of the claim that realist philosophy of education is a renewal of the existentialist theory of education. It arrives at the conclusion that both system deals with the individual as the center of their postulation, existence preceding essence in their argument and the practical experience as superior to non-experiential knowledge or education. Hence they jettison any claim that is not based on experience and that cannot help the individual attain self-realization. The work uses the analytical, logical, and systematic approach of philosophy to strengthen its argument. And concludes that this awareness will enable scholarship to thrive successfully in philosophy of education.
Keywords: Realist, Philosophy, Education, Existentialist.
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