Calendric Rituals in Albania are very common and they have pagan roots. Monotheist religions have tried to present them as religious rituals, but most of them continue to maintain their pagan aspects. These aspects can be clearly distinguished by a professional. One of these rituals is called “Rustica”. This special ritual is mostly common in Korça, South East of Albania. Studies on this ritual show us its old origin and the connection with similar rituals of death and resurrection of gods. In this paper we will treat the ritual practice of Rustica in Korça and surroundings from the beginning of 20th century till now. Being aware of the political influence in Albanian social life, we will speak about past and present of this calendic ritual. With past we mean the period from 1900-1967 and from 1990 till now. We will treat this ritual according to the phases established by Arnold van Gennep. We will treat ritual practices shown in this ritual, symbols, religious impact, etc. In order to create a picture of the past of this ritual, a big help for us has been the prior ritual studies. In order to understand and illustrate how is this ritual practiced nowadays, we made an expedition in some villages of Korça surroundings.
Keywords: calendric ritual/ death/ resurrection/ myths/ organizing ritual/ ritual practices.
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