When we confront the World of Oneness with the Fictional World, to compare the essence of the tragedy which occurs in separation in both worlds, taking into account the laws of both, we remember that the fictional world belongs to the observation without background, and it is all observed by having the lack of evocation. Whereas, the World of Oneness is the opposite, where every element must be declared through the illusion of refutation, necessarily by being self-proclaimed. We are convinced that both worlds are extensions of each other and by functioning with the same laws; they easily pass their competences to live in the other world. Sadness and melancholy are two of the indicative elements of Shiroka's poetics, which identify his poems. With a literary creativity, not quite outstanding during the period of the National Renaissance, a work which, can not fill the gap of shortcomings that had in the system the literature of that period, but probably, contributed positively to the great cause of all organization of the Albanian patriots, with the help of technique which expresses humble, humility, hope that brings good. Verse of Shiroka, with influences from the most famous author of our renaissance, Naim Frashëri, but with a gentle gheg, which comes with a simple verse, with the rhyme of a beautiful language and equally meaningful messages. The modest human value conveyed by Filip Shiroka's poetics, among the verses in which deep tones of tragedy are distinguished, where longing for the homeland, love for the mother, calls for freedom, in which the feeling of humility prevails, simplicity that stems from the temporal existence of each person.
Keywords: Observation without background, Evocation, Filip Shiroka, Essence of the tragedy, Longing for mother and homeland, National Renaissance.
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