
  • Majlinda Ismaili Mahmudi State University of Tetova, Macedonia
  • Rilind Mahmudi


Languages are dynamic and they change in order to accomplish their users’ needs. Language change is a synchronic and diachronic process. From historical point of view, languages have always borrowed words from others languages and this is due to the language contact or other sociolinguistic circumstances and factors such as the sociolinguistic status of their speakers, their social prestige, the need to fulfill lexical gaps, the continuous scientific inventions and others. By using foreign words, speakers often feel more confident and unconsciously try to show their modern and updated version of themselves. This attitude leads to the borrowing of those words, and by this, the process of language change is always present. One way to observe language change is by revealing the main factors that make speakers borrow words. Nowadays, as a result of the development of modern technology, Albanian language is largely influenced by English language. Many linguists have tried to identify the main reasons why speakers borrow words. They have also tried to find ways how to prevent speakers from borrowing unnecessary words, actually words that have their synonymous form in the receiving language and to enforce speakers and the language institutions in creating new words with their own language means. The historical approach towards language borrowings and their influence in language change is very important as it precedes the further development of languages in general.

Keywords: Language borrowing, factors, methods, language change, Albanian language, Anglicisms. 


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How to Cite

Mahmudi, M. I., & Mahmudi, R. (2019). HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL VIEWS ON LANGUAGE BORROWING. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 7. Retrieved from https://anglisticum.org.mk/index.php/IJLLIS/article/view/1844



Volume 7, Conference Proceedings, Special Issue, 2018