Bronchopneumonia and Density of Calves in Stables


  • Shefki Ajdini
  • Petrit Berberi
  • Vangjel Ceroni
  • Emilian Shabani


Bronchopneumonia of calves is a polyfactorial disease. It is problematic in intensive farms raising calves reared in groups and staying in stalls. From factors with a significant role in the birth of pneumonia is the density of the calves in the farm. The study aims to specify relations of morbidity of calves on the density when there are holds in the group. The study was conducted in three farms that breed calves for meat production, for several years. Calves reared in stalls with large groups have a higher risk to be affected by respiratory diseases compared to those in small groups. In Besi farm impact of density is greater and connectivity has shown with correlation coefficient R2 = 0.72. In Leban's farm impact is true but it is lower than R2 = 0.62. In Raskov farm the density impact was not statistically proven, R2 = 0:04. The data of one factorial regression equation were statistically proven for Besi farm (P = 0.0003) and Leban (P = 0.00045) and not proven for Raskova farm (P = 0.84).

Keywords: Bronchopneumonia, density, correlation, statistical truth.




How to Cite

Ajdini, S., Berberi, P., Ceroni, V., & Shabani, E. (2016). Bronchopneumonia and Density of Calves in Stables. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 4(12), 70–73. Retrieved from



Volume 4, No.12, December 2015

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