


The article presents selected Slovenian and foreign definitions of the picturebook, its classification and theories. It presents the literary-historical and theoretical development of the  picturebook in Slovenia, drawing on foreign (M. Nikolajeva, S. Beckett, B. Ktimmerling-Meibauer) and Slovenian (M. Kobe, D. Haramija and J. Batic) scholars. We try to present the  picturebook as an object of study and therefore examine the development of the integration of  picturebooks into the Slovenian school system through the curriculum.

Keywords: picturebook, illustrations, fairy tales, curriculum, crossover.


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How to Cite

Blažič, M., & Iseni, A. (2023). VIEWS ON THE PICTUREBOOK. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 12(11), pp.42–51.



Volume 12, No.11, November 2023

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