
  • Amir Hossain


Private Tutoring in English Language Learning is a common picture among the SSC level students. Many learners are very eager to receive private tutoring supports in ELT. Parents rely on private tutoring so that their children can cut a good figure in the examination. Monthly payment in private tutoring is on the increase day by day in Bangladesh. For this purpose, this study aims to look at the important reasons of private tutoring in English Language Learning in the SSC level of 21st century Bangladesh Education System. It would like to analyze the problems of the students why they are weak in English language. To carry out this research project under the Gazipur District near the capital city Dhaka of Bangladesh, 10 schoolteachers, 5 tutors, 25 students of SSC level, and 15 parents were selected for interview with a questionnaire pattern. An observation was done in the classroom to investigate the performance of the teachers and tutors while teaching English. The findings from the survey show that most of the SSC level students receive private tutoring support; and they have a keen attitude towards English Language Learning provided by private tutors rather than schoolteachers. Private tuition has both positive and negative aspects. Parents as well as learners should understand the importance of private tutoring and at the same time they ought to be conscious of problematic aspects of private tutoring as well.

Keywords: Private Tutoring, Tutors, SSC Level Students, Parents, and Teachers.


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How to Cite

Hossain, A. (2019). INFLUENCE OF PRIVATE TUTORING ON THE SSC LEVEL LEARNERS: A CASE STUDY OF GAZIPUR DISTRICT. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 7. Retrieved from



Volume 7, Conference Proceedings, Special Issue, 2018

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