women fairy tale writers, women storytellers, women writers, language, literature, culture, Philomene, SchecherezadeAbstract
In the 1999 monograph The Classic Fairy Tales (edited by Maria Tatar), Karen E. Rowe in the chapter “To Spin a Yarn: The Female Voice in Folklore and Fairy Tales” lists two metaphors for women storytellers, namely, as the first model - women writers - she cites the antique example of Philomela (Ovid: Metamorphoses), who was victimized on the basis of a myth and was literally and metaphorically without language, therefore she metaphorically weaved her story into a tapestry and sent it to her sister to read. The motive of the female weaver is also found in the Bible.
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AT or Aa/Th is an international designation or acronym based on the surnames of two folklorists, Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson (1928, 1961), who published an internationally classified index of fairy tale types.
ATU is an international designation or acronym based on the surnames of three folklorists, Antti Aarne, Stith Thompson, Hans-Jörg Uther, who published an internationally classified index of fairy tale types (Uther 2004, reprint 2011). https://edition.fi/kalevalaseura/catalog/series/FFC
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